ESG & Impact
Positive impact for patients, for society at a global scale
Environmental, social and governance (hereafter “ESG”) is at the core of Jeito Capital’s values.
We believe our constant support to portfolio companies in making sustainable value creation will generate a positive impact for stakeholders:

Addressing life-threatening diseases and accelerating breakthrough therapies development in areas of high unmet medical needs

Entrepreneurs / Managers
Supporting talented entrepreneurs, creating sustainable jobs in a high-value added sector, and fostering the development of innovative medical infrastructures

Promoting talents across all cultures and defending gender diversity to enrich Jeito collective intelligence

Founder & CEO
” With the mission to go faster for the patient, further with the entrepreneur, we aim to generate a sustainable impact, being convinced that a benefit patient-focus approach fosters the alignment of all stakeholders’ interests including caregivers, family, benefitting society as a whole. “
Jeito ESG commitments at the company management level
Jeito is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and commits to the core principles of the initiative. In addition, Jeito has joined France Invest, France’s private equity industry association that promotes sustainability-focused projects among its members.
Jeito is committed to adhering to strong ESG ethics and core principles across its own structure in the following three key areas:
1. Developing people and ensuring their wellbeing
Jeito promotes responsible human resource management and views gender and cultural diversity of human capital as a key ingredient for the success of a business. Jeito has been founded and is led by a woman, Dr. Rafaèle Tordjman, who is also the Founder & Chairwoman of the association promoting women in healthcare W.I.T.H. Moreover, Jeito’s founding team is mainly composed of women, with Sabine Dandiguian, Managing Partner and Rachel Mears, Partner Investor. Gender equality is part of Jeito’s DNA. Jeito applies equality of treatment between men and women, in terms of recruitment and salaries. It promotes women’s careers development and ensures they are represented at managerial positions at Jeito and at portfolio’s companies, as C-levels or as board members.
2. Limiting the impact on the environment
Jeito seeks to implement initiatives to optimize resources and to reduce environmental impact both within the Firm and in portfolio companies, including but not limited to reduction of paper consumption in companies evolving in a paper-heavy environment, recycling, transport policy (limiting flight travel notably), and the introduction of environment-related training programs.
3. Being a responsible business partner and corporate citizen
Jeito is committed to ensuring strong corporate governance and compliance across its own business and portfolio of companies. Best compliance and governance practices in terms of independence, transparency to investors, prevention and management of conflicts of interests, anti-corruption and business are monitored and implemented by the Head of Compliance & Risk (“RCCI”) where required.
Jeito ESG commitments in its investment process
Jeito SLP is classified as an article 8 under the SFDR regulation, and therefore promotes environmental and social characteristics. The Jeito team systematically considers ESG factors during the different investment phases. ESG factors are reviewed and monitored throughout Principal Adverse Impacts and Sustainability Risks, as defined within the double materiality of the SFDR Regulation. Collectiveness is embedded in the decision-making process as discussions related to investments must be discussed by all the Partners.
1. ESG process at pre-investment phase
ESG factors in the pre-investment phase are considered using different tools:
Exclusion Policy:
potential investments are screened through Jeito’s Exclusion policy.
ESG Due Diligence:
using an internal Due Diligence tool, the investment is screened through an ESG lens to ensure consistency between the target business model and practices and Jeito’s values.
Due Diligences are performed on companies complying with Jeito’s investment strategy. Which means that all companies under assessment meet the social objective to develop breakthrough innovations in unmet medical areas for the benefits of patients.
ESG requirements are assessed considering (i) the development stage of the targeted company and (ii) the willingness of the companies’ management to promote ESG actions.
Meaning that Jeito can invest into a company with low standards at the date of the investment but with clear plans to improve environmental and social topics.
To fulfill the identified potential during due diligence, an action plan is determined with Jeito’s representative at the company’s board.
2. ESG processes during the holding period
An annual ESG questionnaire is addressed to all portfolio companies. Collected quantitative and qualitative data is analyzed by an external ESG consulting firm to measure ESG progress, implementation of good practices as well as to report potential ESG alerts.
3. ESG processes at exit phase
At exit, Jeito assesses the progress made by each portfolio company in the implementation of its sustainability action plan and includes sustainability information in the exit memo. Jeito also endeavors to promote and to certify, when possible, the ESG advancement of invested companies to the buyers. Jeito aims to select potential buyers that are receptive to sustainability issues for society.
Jeito ESG policy
SFDR Disclosure
Exclusion policy
Principal Adverse Impact Statement 2024
Article 29 of the Law on Energy and Climate Report